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4 Great Books for Reading Aloud to Elementary Children

Reading aloud to children is the best way to share the enjoyment books can provide. It doesn’t matter whether the books are fiction or nonfiction. It can be magazines, graphic novels, or even website content. What matters is that children associate reading as a way to unlock the world and their imagination. Here are some of my favorite stories I use when reading aloud to my class: The Kid in the Red Jacket by Barbara Park…

6 Effective Spelling Practice Activities for Any Word List

How would you like easy spelling practice activities that your students can use without having to create new worksheets every week? These FREE printable spelling practice worksheets are perfect for homework or in-class practice.  Do you have differentiated lists? No problem! The children use their own spelling lists. Also, there is flexibility in the number of words; 10, 15, or 20. So let’s take a look at your FREE Spelling Practice Activities : Spelling Ships Worksheet…

7 Classroom Organization Ideas To Make Your Days Better

Before you start on classroom decor and bulletin boards, think about how you want your space to function. Classroom organization can save you valuable time and headaches. So if you are preparing for a new school year or have the itch to clean, purge, and reorganize your workspaces, here are some of my favorite tips. Identify Shared Spaces An elementary classroom is more than a bunch of desks. Things to consider include do you want a…

Reading and Math Review for the Summer

  How can you keep your child’s reading and math skills sharp during the summer? Well, I am excited to share that I have a solution! My latest product is called Summer Review Going Into Grade 2. It is designed for children who have finished First Grade and are preparing for 2nd grade. Each page has math and language arts practice. The fun summer themed graphics to make the pages more appealing to the children. Who…

Digging Deeper with Novel Studies

Reading and discussing novels are popular with adults and students. Doing a novel study allows readers to think deeply about the characters and themes in a story.  As a teacher, you want to be intentional about the topics and skills you want to discuss during your small group time. However, it can be a daunting task trying to figure out how to go deeper with a piece of literature that doesn’t come bound inside a textbook…

Tips for Matching Readers and Texts

How do you find books that are appropriate for your child’s reading ability? Finding the right book to match with a child is a lot like buying a pair of shoes. For independent reading time you want a good-fit. In my classroom, I spend a great deal of time getting to know each child and assessing their reading comprehension to figure out what their “size” is. According to researcher Richard Allington (2005) a good-fit book is…

How Can I Motivate My Students to Read More?

Want to know the secret to motivating students to want to read on their own? Do you know what 10,000 research studies have proven to be the best way to build reading skills? It is reading aloud to children! The benefits of reading aloud to a child continues even after a child can read independently.   Here are 12 reasons why you should make time to read aloud to your class:   It is the best…

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