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5 Ways to Celebrate Groundhog Phil With Elementary Students

Are you looking for some Groundhog Day activities to use with your class? Is your class excited to know if Groundhog Phil sees his shadow? Are they eager to hear that winter is almost over? As we near Groundhog’s Day with all the superstition and folklore, I have always wanted to dig deeper (pun intended) than what the great Prognosticator forecasts. So I decided to do a little research and learn more about this infamous rodent…

Martin Luther King Jr Dream Quilt

Martin Luther King Day Activity Looking for a way to honor Martin Luther King Day? This I Have a Dream craft and bulletin board project is perfect for elementary students.  These quilt squares are based upon the vision Martin Luther King Jr. had for making our world kinder and more accepting. Through this craft your students get to share their own visions for the world.  By combining the writing squares with graphic squares, your class can…

5 Ways to Organize Worksheets for Common Core Math Standards

Would you like an easy way to know the Common Core Standards for math and ELA? How can you be sure you are teaching all the common core reading standards for your grade? Do you wonder if your stash of worksheets addressed a certain standard? As teachers, we are notorious for collecting ideas. It doesn’t take long for our files to be filled with potential learning activities. The problem is after all these years, it is…

12 Inspiring Back to School Books for Elementary Students

One way I start building a classroom community is by reading stories aloud each day. My elementary students LOVE when I read to them. It is a great way to model fluency, reading with expression, and best of all it’s FUN! Going back to school can be exciting and scary at the same time. These stories help break the tension and help students understand they aren’t alone. Looking for back to school book extension ideas, keep…

Tips for Keeping Virtual Students Engaged

Engaging elementary students during online instruction is challenging. Here are some ideas to keep students actively participating as well as assessing their level of understanding. TIP # 1 THUMBS-UP THUMBS-DOWN Signs Thumbs-Up sign. I LOVE these large thumbs up cards. They are MUCH easier for me to see than the thumbs on their hand. I’ll ask a question to the class, and then ask them, “If you agree, thumbs-up. If you disagree, thumbs down.” You can…

Easy Classroom Management Strategies For No Name Papers

Looking for effective elementary classroom management strategies for organizing the hundreds of papers that are turned in each day?  I know it can be an ordeal, especially if more than one paper is involved. If I had a dime for every minute I spent trying to figure out whose “No Name” paper belonged to, I would be rich! There has to be an easier way!! For years I have been frustrated by this chronic problem too….

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