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Tips for Reading at Home

As educators, we realize how important it is for our students to read outside of the classroom. The challenge for parents is identifying which books are appropriate for their child. As research has shown, when children are reading independently, they should be reading books  they can comprehend. Reading books that are too difficult can lead to frustration and do not help the child grow as a reader. Also research supports allowing children to choose their own…

Great Read Alouds for Preschool Aged Children

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. A told B and B told C I’ll beat you to the top of the coconut tree!  And off you go into the catchy rhythm and rhyme featuring the letters of the alphabet. Kids easily memorize the words and repetition which makes this a fun and educational early story. It’s one of our family favorites!     Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin…

The Importance of Reading Aloud to Children

Reading a story to your child isn’t just a nice ritual before bedtime. Research has shown that reading aloud to a child is the single most important activity that leads to language development. According to Dr. Betty Bardige, reading aloud to young children not only stimulates language and cognitive skills, it also increases curiosity, memory, and motivation. Children who are read to before attending school have a huge academic advantage compared to those who haven’t had…

Top Pinterest Picks for June

If you are like me, summer is a time when I get to reflect, relax, and renew. What better place to find great ideas than Pinterest? I’ve been surfing around for inspiration and came across these 3 ideas I wanted to share with you. Name Banners Imagine the fun our students will have creating their own banner while waiting for the rest of the class to arrive! Later on, it will become a great banner to…

FREE Resources

This page contains links to free resources you can download and use right away. I will periodically update this page. To receive an e-mail of the newest addition, please sign up at the bottom of my HOME page. Leveled Reading Correlation Chart There are a variety of systems or codes being used to identify the reading complexity of a book. This chart correlates Fountas and Pinnell’s Gradient Text Levels with grade level equivalencies and Reading A-Z.com’s…

Community Helpers – Booklist

This week we are launching a unit on communities and being a good citizen. One area of focus is on the importance of people helping other people to meet their needs. As part of learning about goods and services, we spend some time learning about different ways people make our communities a better place. Last week, our Harcourt Trophies story was Good-Bye Curtis by Kevin Henkes. In this story, Curtis has faithfully delivered the mail to…

Fun with Beginning Readers

So what is the difference between phonics and phonemic awareness? Phonemic awareness is the foundation of our written language. Beginning readers learn that each letter has a sound associated with it. By combining individual letter sounds (phonemes) children are able to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in words. For example, the word cat has three separate phonemes: /c/   /a/   /t/.   These three sounds can be rearranged to spell tac:   /t/   /a/   /c/. Children who can…

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The Literacy Garden prioritizes helping teachers foster positive learning environments and student engagement.

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