While discussing with my young students character traits examples, it became clear that there were many terms that they were not familiar with. They would default to words like nice, mean, or good.
Character Traits Definition Bulletin Board
So I decided to pair some character traits definitions with characters in our read-aloud stories. After reading and discussing the story, I ask the children to give me two or three character trait words that describe the character on the inside. Then I printed a copy of the book cover and added the terms to a bulletin board.

Character Traits Definition Posters
Another handy character traits definition tool are character trait posters. I like to display them as a vocabulary-building tool.

These character posters explain positive and negative character traits in kid-friendly language. Click on the image to preview what’s included.
I also wrote an article that goes into more detail on how to teach lessons on character traits. You can find 5 Easy Ways to Teach What Character Traits Are HERE.
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