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February Morning Work – Try For Free!

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February Common Core & More 1st Grade COVER
Having something for students to do when they arrive in the morning helps establish good routines. My students know that after they arrive and have had time to catch up with their classmates, its time to grab their morning work. This year, each student has a pocket folder to store the monthly packet. A binder would work well also. I print the entire month ahead of time and staple it at the top. After attendance and lunch count, the class and I review the answers. I show the matching page on my SmartBoard from the PDF file. I learn so much by checking the work together. I realize which concepts they have mastered, which ones are new and we need to spend more time on, and which students may need some reteaching later in the week. Since the skills are on a 5 day rotation, the students will have 4 opportunities to review and practice those skills and I can monitor their progress. Sounds good, huh!

Here are some sample pages from the February 1st Grade edition:
February 1st page D

February 1st page K

February 1st page B

February 1st page C

As you can see, there are a vast array of math, reading, and language skills covered. Best of all, kids love it!! I have gotten wonderful feedback from teachers using the Daily Common Core & More series.



         Visit my store The Literacy Garden at Teachers Pay Teachers to see the entire series.

As a blog reader, I would like to offer you the opportunity to try it for a week! There are 2 versions available. One is based upon 1st grade Common Core Standards and the other is for 2nd grade Common Core Standards. Choose the version that works for your students.

First Grade Sampler – Click Here

Second Grade Sampler – Click Here

Then, please let me know your thoughts in the comment section 🙂

  • Until next time, keep nurturing a love for learning,

  • Alison Monk

    When I started teaching, I quickly realized that student teaching didn't prepare me for the real challenges of being alone in a classroom full of young children. The learning curve was steep and time was limited. That is why I created the Literacy Garden. My hope is this will be a place for inspiration, mentoring, and connecting.

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