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Happy Happy Happy!

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Are you a fan of the TV show Duck Dynasty? We have joined the millions of viewers who enjoy watching their fun-loving adventures. When I came across these adorable clip art created by Nikki of Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles  I knew exactly what my Back-To-School bulletin board was going to look like. I layered the bulletin board paper to create the outdoor scene complete with a duck pond. Then, I used Phil’s favorite saying, “Happy! Happy! Happy!” to welcome my new students.  Here is a close-up of Robertson clan and helpers. Aren’t the precious?


3-D trees were made by crinkling paper and silk leaves from the craft store. The finishing touches were a few duck photos clipped close and inserted into slits in the blue paper.  I hope the kids will love it. What do you think?

Well, I want to make my blog readers “Happy, Happy, Happy” too. So I made some Duck Dynasty inspired Homework Passes for your class!

One of the benefits of subscribing to this blog is you get exclusive FREEBIES sent to you each Friday. I hope you consider subscribing using the link on the top right and we can both be HAPPY!

Duck Dynasty Homework Passes

In the meantime, CLICK HERE to get your Homework Passes.







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  • Until next time, keep nurturing a love for learning,

  • Alison Monk

    When I started teaching, I quickly realized that student teaching didn't prepare me for the real challenges of being alone in a classroom full of young children. The learning curve was steep and time was limited. That is why I created the Literacy Garden. My hope is this will be a place for inspiration, mentoring, and connecting.

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