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Batty for Bats Scavenger Hunt

1 min read No Comments

I like to teach the difference between facts and fable. Young students have many preconceived ideas along with misconceptions. It can be amusing at times to hear their explanations. In October, a great theme for fact and fable is bats. So many people fear these mammals without understanding their importance to controlling the insect population; especially mosquitoes. A fun way to have your students learn more about a topic is through the use of a scavenger hunt!

I created a series of fact cards like this which can be displayed throughout your room or in the hallway. The students get a questionnaire for the scavenger hunt. I like to have the children work with a partner, however they can do this individually as well. The goal is to walk around and find all the answers. Each fact card is numbered so the students can match the card to the question. The kids LOVE this activity and learned a great deal about bats in the process.

If you would like to try this with your class, CLICK HERE.

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  • Until next time, keep nurturing a love for learning,

  • Alison Monk

    When I started teaching, I quickly realized that student teaching didn't prepare me for the real challenges of being alone in a classroom full of young children. The learning curve was steep and time was limited. That is why I created the Literacy Garden. My hope is this will be a place for inspiration, mentoring, and connecting.

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